Four major dietary taboos after heatstroke
1. Avoid drinking large amounts of water
Avoid excessive drinking. Because drinking a large amount of water not only dilutes gastric juice, which in turn affects digestive function, but also causes reflex hyperhidrosis. The result is a significant loss of water and salt in the body, and in severe cases, it can promote the occurrence of heat spasms.
2. Avoid consuming large amounts of raw and cold fruits and vegetables
Most people with heatstroke suffer from spleen and stomach weakness. If they consume a large amount of raw and cold fruits, fruits, and cold foods, it can damage the yang qi of the spleen and stomach, making their movements weak and causing internal stagnation of cold and dampness. In severe cases, symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain may occur.
3. Avoid eating a large amount of greasy food
After heatstroke, one should eat less greasy food to adapt to the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract in summer. If you eat a large amount of greasy food, it will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, causing a large amount of blood to be retained in the gastrointestinal tract, and the blood delivered to the brain is relatively reduced. The human body will feel more tired and prone to indigestion.
4. Avoid simply supplementing
After people suffer from heatstroke, their heat energy does not dissipate, and although they have deficiency symptoms, they cannot simply nourish themselves. If you think your body is weak and needs to be replenished urgently, it’s a big mistake. If one supplements too early, it will make it difficult for the heat to dissipate, or the already gradually fading heat will make a comeback, which will be even more costly.

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