How to provide first aid at a drowning scene?
Self rescue methods for drowning
(1) Those who accidentally enter the water due to immature water can seek self rescue.
Firstly, after falling into the water, do not panic and maintain a clear mind. The method is to adopt a supine position, with the head facing back and the mouth facing upwards, so that the mouth and nose can be exposed to the water surface, and breathing can be carried out at this time. Exhale shallowly and inhale deeply, which can help the body float on the water surface for others to rescue. Do not lift or struggle your hands, as raising them can easily cause people to sink.
(2) Swimmers: If drowning occurs due to spasms in the calf and gastrocnemius muscles, they should stay calm and call for help in a timely manner. At the same time, they should hold their bodies together and float to the surface of the water; Take a deep breath, immerse your face in water, and pull the thumb of the spasmodic (cramping) lower limb forward and upward with force, making the thumb stand up and continue to exert force until the severe pain disappears, and the spasm stops.
After a single episode, the same area can experience spasms again, so it is important to massage the painful area thoroughly and slowly move upstream towards the shore. After getting ashore, the affected area should also be massaged and hot applied. If the wrist muscles spasm, bend and extend your fingers up and down, and take a supine position to swim with your feet.

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