The group of epilepsy patients in China is mainly composed of children and the elderly. Their resistance is relatively weak, and epilepsy is a disease that can affect the patient’s intelligence. Therefore, epilepsy patients in the growth and development stage must receive timely treatment. As parents of pediatric epilepsy patients, it is also important to understand and master some knowledge about the symptoms of pediatric epilepsy in order to better care for them. What are the symptoms of childhood epilepsy? Let’s take a look together.
Common pediatric epilepsy and epilepsy syndrome
1. Benign epilepsy in children with central temporal spikes;
2. Pediatric epilepsy with occipital discharge;
3. Chronic progressive partial epilepsy in children;
4. Temporal lobe epilepsy;
5. Childhood absence epilepsy;
6. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy;
7. Whole body rigidity during awakening – clonic epilepsy;
8. Infant spasms;
9. Lennox Gastaut syndrome;
10. Acquired aphasic epilepsy.
Epilepsy status refers to a seizure that lasts for more than minutes; Or those who repeatedly have seizures of more than a minute, and their consciousness does not recover during the interval between episodes. Convulsive epileptic status epilepticus is the most common, accounting for over 75% of all epileptic status epilepticus in children. It mainly manifests as persistent clonic seizures and is prone to brain damage. Non convulsive status epilepticus is more common in syndromes, characterized by atypical absences, prolonged confusion of consciousness, and may be accompanied by myoclonus or hypotonic seizures. Sometimes complex partial epilepsy can also present as a persistent state, manifested as mental disorders, automatisms, or behavioral abnormalities. The persistent state of epilepsy in children can often be attributed to factors such as sudden discontinuation of medication, improper drug replacement, infection, and high fever. Children with a history of epilepsy without epilepsy are often associated with acute brain injury, such as intracranial infection, poisoning, trauma, acute encephalopathy, cerebrovascular accidents, etc. High fever convulsions can also occur in a sustained state. Epilepsy status is an emergency in children and requires timely treatment.
Epilepsy seriously affects the brain development of children with epilepsy, so parents must promptly take them to formal hospitals for formal and scientific treatment.

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