Premature ejaculation refers to the time when a man ejaculates within 2 minutes of sexual intercourse and cannot reach the female partner’s orgasm continuously. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction, and some men may even encounter this situation throughout their lives, causing considerable distress to their lives and marriages. So, 1. Drug therapy

At present, the effect of using medication to treat premature ejaculation is quite significant. Commonly used drugs include SSRI drugs such as celecoxib and paroxetine, as well as 5-propionic acid drugs such as anatropine. These drugs can inhibit the reabsorption of serotonin, prolong penile erection time, and thus achieve the effect of treating premature ejaculation. But these drugs must be used under the guidance of a professional doctor, and can only be used after a clear diagnosis of premature ejaculation to avoid side effects caused by excessive drug use.

2. Physical therapy treatment

In the treatment of premature ejaculation, physical therapy is also very important. Some professional medical institutions use physical therapy to help improve the physical and psychological problems of patients, such as enhancing muscle strength, improving sexual and psychological states, and so on. At the same time, premature ejaculation can also be prevented in the long run by correctly using devices such as extenders.

3. Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy is currently one of the most common treatment methods. Behavioral therapy mainly includes methods such as sexual therapy, behavior correction, and awareness training to help patients establish a good sexual psychological state and confidence. Among them, consciousness training and positive sexual psychological construction are the most promising treatments. Because these treatment methods help correct erroneous sexual concepts, help patients eliminate nerve tension, maintain a good sexual environment, and effectively prolong sexual intercourse time.

Overall, medication, physical therapy, and behavioral therapy are important treatment methods in the treatment of premature ejaculation. At the same time, patients also need to have a good attitude and actively cooperate with treatment. Finally, it is reminded that if premature ejaculation has occurred more than twice in the past 6 months, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible and treat premature ejaculation promptly, without delaying the condition.

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