Premature ejaculation is one of the more common sexual dysfunction in men, commonly occurring during early penile ejaculation during sexual activity, and even reaching orgasm before or shortly after the start of sexual activity. Seriously affecting the quality of male sexual life, it can also affect emotional life. The etiology of premature ejaculation is complex, including physical factors, mental factors, and lifestyle habits, among which dietary therapy has become one of the effective measures to alleviate premature ejaculation.

1. Sesame Congee

Sesame has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, moisturizing dryness, and can enhance the qi and blood of *, which has certain benefits for male symptoms of decadence and premature ejaculation. The method of making sesame Congee is: grind a small cup of sesame into fine powder, add some water, stir and then add some rice to cook Congee, or add glutinous rice to cook sesame glutinous rice Congee. Eating once a day in the morning and evening for a period of time can alleviate premature ejaculation symptoms.

2. Honey ginger soup

The combination of honey and ginger juice has the effects of warming and tonifying kidney yang, supplementing qi and deficiency, and can regulate the fluid balance in men’s bodies, relieving premature ejaculation symptoms. The production method is to cut a few pieces of ginger into fine powder, boil them with water, filter out the residue inside, add an appropriate amount of honey, mix well, and then drink. Drinking once a day in the morning and once in the evening for more than a week can alleviate premature ejaculation symptoms.

3. Milk and egg yolks

Milk and egg yolks are rich in high-quality protein and vitamin E, which can help improve male physical strength, promote blood circulation, and alleviate premature ejaculation symptoms. The production method is to take an appropriate amount of milk, add an egg yolk, heat to about 80 ° C, and stir evenly. Drinking once a day in the morning and once in the evening, continuously for more than a month, can alleviate premature ejaculation symptoms.

4. Red dates and lamb soup

Red dates have the effects of nourishing blood and qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, calming the mind and supplementing the heart, while lamb is rich in protein and trace elements. Proper consumption can play a role in nourishing qi and deficiency, and relieving premature ejaculation symptoms. The production method is to remove the pit from an appropriate amount of red dates, add an appropriate amount of lamb and stew together until fully cooked. Eating once a day in the morning and evening, and drinking continuously for more than a month, can alleviate premature ejaculation symptoms.

In short, premature ejaculation has a significant impact on men’s physical and mental health, but a reasonable combination of dietary therapy methods can help alleviate premature ejaculation symptoms and improve men’s quality of life. However, it should be noted that dietary therapy is only suitable for mild premature ejaculation. For severe premature ejaculation symptoms, it is recommended that patients seek the help of professional doctors in a timely manner.

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